Dear friends,
I hope this post finds you all enjoying some warm late spring weather and plenty of time in your gardens too! I was thinking of
hanging a sign on my blog that says,
" I'm in the Garden " but I figure that's where most of us are these days! Today, I got up bright and early to check on my tiny seedlings in the greenhouse and do my morning garden walk. Max came with me of course...
My first year with a greenhouse has had some ups and downs. Mostly ups. As with any new project there's a learning curve but I'm not going to let it keep me from enjoying the process! So far I love my shelter logic greenhouse. It is sturdy, and heats up nicely even on overcast days which we have often here along the northeastern seaboard.
Here's what's UP in the greenhouse
Three flats of
Drop Dead Red Sunflowers have sprouted and look very healthy!
The Vanilla Ice Sunflowers are popping up as are the Pumpkin on a Stick!
Just look at my sunflower babies reaching for the sun!
The Cosmos also sprouted in good time and look strong and I'm seeing signs of life in the tomato flats as well!
And what's NOT!
The Zinnia's have given me a challenge... I didn't use any heat to start my seeds and some of them just have not germinated. I'm relying on the heat of the greenhouse to get my little seeds to sprout... One entire tray of Envy Zinnia's didn't sprout and the others have a few popping up here and there! If they don't pop up soon, I'll direct sew them right into the raised beds. Maybe things take longer with out heat? Maybe I didn't water them enough after planting? Maybe some of them were bum seeds? Or, maybe that cooler weather we had last week slowed things down? What ever the causes were, I have overcome the disappointment and have continued planting seeds anyway! I've made a note in my garden journal to plant more than what I think I'll need just in case I lose a few next year.

Did you know there is a wealth if information inside the Botanical Seed packets which includes planting, growing and harvesting tips alongside botanical names and how to make your cut flowers last longer. I am loving learning about each flower and vegetable I plant this way.
image from my garden notebook |
Next on my " to do list " is to implement a way to my garden notes and seeds/seed packets.
Little Farm in the Big City shared a wonderful tip in her farmgirl Friday entry last week that I love!
Be sure to check out the link for the entire post where she shows a great tutorial. It's easy- peasy and efficient too!
I've kept a garden journal/binder for years to keep track of what I plant ( and a plant wish list ) but I love the idea of lined note cards that would include information about:
Name of Plant
Spring, Summer or Fall bloomer
Date Planted (Inside or Outside )
Days to germinate
Days to bloom
Harvest date
Diseases/pests/ life span
Sun/shade or both
Garden Notes |
I would also add notes at the end of each season.
Ratings as a cut flower and what it looks nice paired with .
More, less or none next year...
Was it a WOW bloomer?
Heirloom/ Organic
Sweat Peas doing and overnight soak in water for planting tomorrow in this hanging basket.
That's the view from the greenhouse today! Come back soon to see what's growing everywhere else!
Daydream Window from the rear of the greenhouse. |
Oh, what the heck. Here's a sneak peak!
My Lady Banks rose is going strong on the side of the hen-house! |
Happy Growing and as always, DANDELION WISHES!
How do you organize your garden notes?I'm taking today's garden notes over to Heidi's Country
Garden Showcase! You should come too!
PS. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day! I shared some of my " Mom Moments "
over at the
MJF Beachfarmgirl Blog in my last post! Come on by for a chuckle!