Welcome back to the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop! Heidi, Dolly, Debbie and I missed you all last week and we're happy to be back with a festive HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY!
You KNOW we love our MaryJane! She is the inspiration behind this little ole blog hop of ours!
Each one of us will be giving away a ONE YEAR subscription to MARYJANESFARM magazine! That means FOUR lucky winners will be the happy recipients of 6 issues of farmgirl goodness next year!
Never has there been a magazine quite like hers. It's really a magazine for farmgirls
at heart, far and wide, who are passionate about the food they eat and
grow, living a creative life, and caring for each other.
I'm proud to be sister # 1199 in the Farmgirl Sisterhood and a contributing writer to her fabulous publication. MaryJanesFarm is so much more than a magazine. It's a way of life.
To Enter simply leave one comment on the Farmgirl hostess blog of your choice and if you have time, pop over and " like " MaryJanesFarm FACEBOOK page so you can keep up with her weekly recipes, farmgirl features and all of the farmgirl blogs including MaryJane's Raising Jane Journal!
Then get right back here to enter this weeks hop! We've got lots to catch up on!
If you aren't already following us please click that follow button and join the fun!
Your Farmgirl Friday Hostess
Heidi of My Simple Country Living and White Wolf Summit Farmgirl Blog
Dolly of Hibiscus House and Dolly is Cooking
Debbie of Farmgirl Unleashed
and me of course!
Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your
farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to
you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts,
home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden,
chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave your entry in the Linky tools space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your
post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
4.) Enter up to three entries per hop!
Be sure to leave a note if you're new to the hop! If you haven't clicked
that follow button yet, please join us and be sure to stop by our FACEBOOK page and like us there too! DON'T BE SHY~
As always, thank you for your continued participation! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! See you on the hop!
PS. This is a blog hop, so please share it with your friends by copying the code at the bottom of this post and including it into your weekly entry!

Thanks for hosting . I will have to pop over to Mary Jane's FB page . Thanks for sharing ! Have a great weekend !
Same to you Elaine! Stay warm up in the North country!!!
I'm so glad to have you back. I would love to win that subscription and have already been over to the MJ FB page! Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend!
It's good to be back Vickie! Thanks for your entry and happy weekend to you too!
Thank your for hosting, as always :)
I enjoy your blog hop!
Thanks for the chance to win a MJF subscription!
You know I love Miss MaryJane! I'm sisterhood #1682! I have been reading your blog for a long time! I would love to win the subscription. I would have you put it in my dear mother-in-laws name so she could enjoy MaryJane too! She is 83 years old and has been a farmgirl for 65 years, running a cattle/sheep operation in SW Wyoming.
Happy Farmgirl Friday Sandra! Good luck!
Hi Sherone! ( aka sister ) I love that your mil would be the recipient of this give away! Very sweet of you! Good luck!
I love coming here and enjoying all the blogs and great things. Thanks for the chance to win the subscription! also looking forward to seeing what MJ has on her fb page.
Thanks for hosting one of my favorite hops! I'd love to explore the magazine, as I can't find it locally. Thanks for the opportunity!
Ahh Sweet Deborah, what would I do with out your Blog Hop? It is my pure snuggle down and read. I must admit it carries me away into dreamland. I love, love MJB magazine! I will always have my own subscription, so if I won I would give it to my daughter in hope she will "start" living the MaryJane life! She is young, living in the city and still thinking - keeping up with the Jones. I hope it is just a faze and she will come back to her country roots.
A little late getting to the party! I love love your header,,,nothing like a red barn door with a wreath. We hang one on our barn as well!
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