Luck was in our favor when we met our Guest Artist of the month Kendra D' Angora a few years ago at our Local Community Arts Center in Plymouth, MA. I was looking for quality art classes for our two home schooled children and that is exactly what we found and more with Kendra. She offered a varied array of art mediums, tools and projects for her " aspiring art students" with a bit of Art History on the side!
Kendra is a Mass Art graduate and taught art classes to school children in Boston for several years before moving to Wareham, MA. where she currently lives, creates and teaches art. I could see she was right at home with the children and her craft during the first class. Her willingness to let them explore with all the materials she placed before them was a sight to see! She was free, non- judgmental and delighted in watching the children create while she gently offered tips here and there as they worked through each project.
In one 7 week session the children ages 7-12 were introduced to clay, watercolor, (Georga O'Keefe ) acrylic paints, (Matisse) working with recycled materials, wire, beads, and buttons, drawing mystical creatures, pastels and glaze for firing their clay pieces that would go into the Kiln.
As a home school mom I wasn't willing to sacrifice art in our children's educational experience. I was pleasantly surprised by all they were able to gleen from just one session with Kendra.
They learned that art is MESSY AND FUN and that anyone can be an artist if they want too!
Zach's interpretation of an acrylic painting done by Matisse'
( age 10 )
After such great success with the first session she offered several more! During one session our home school class was asked to participate in the bi-anual Children's Art Festival which included all of Plymouth's public and home school students. Our daughter's water color painting was chosen along with a handful of other young artists to be printed into a greeting cards and sold at the show. ( see below )
Nicolette's interpretation of a water color by Gorgia O' Keefe' ( age 8 )

We recently met up with Kendra at her studio in Wareham, Ma. to see what she is rolling, molding and firing up these days and she agreed to an interview with D.H. Lucky us!
Kendra~ I've known I love to create things since I was very little. I always had some kind of kit or crafty items to work with. I thoroughly enjoyed making surprises for my family and friends. When I was 13, I took an art class in school with a teacher who inspired me to really delve into it. I had tried musical instruments prior to this, but I was unsuccessful. Once I picked up a pencil that was it.
D.H. ~ How did you go about choosing an art school?
Kendra~ I wanted an exciting art school that wasn't too far away from my mom, and the rest of my family. Mass College of Art fit the bill in every way, and I took a large risk by only applying to that college. I was very grateful and so excited when I was accepted. I love it still and visit when I can. I tutored a high school senior, helping her prepare her portfolio, and when it came time for her to choose schools, I suggested Mass Art, and not only did she follow through and apply, but is attending there now.
D.H. ~ How many mediums do you currently work in?
Kendra~ Several. I do love to draw with Graphite, colored pencil, and pastel. I adore clay, and love to sculpt and make pottery. I have painted with water color and acrylics, as well. I like to sew, and garden, and create things for my home and yard with other materials.
D.H. ~ What advice would you give to a new artist who is trying to get an opening or work hung in a gallery?
Kendra~ Make a body of work that is consistent and as professional in appearance as possible. Make sure your portfolio is up to date, precise and clean. Gather as many events and shows as you can and a resume always helps. Call ahead and ask what their procedure is, and move forward! Don't give up. With every rejection, there is always that magic acceptance.
D.H.~ What is your favorite thing about teaching art?
Kendra~ The sharing of ideas and techniques I may have surpassed in my process of my own production, therefore revisiting things I may have forgotten. The spark of delight when a student sees how things are working out and coming together, and the inspiration we experience together.
D.H. ~ Do you believe art should be an essential part of a child’s education?
D.H. ~ Why?
Kendra~ Because it opens the mind to the various beauties around us, giving us an alternate view to the world and others. It also gives a strong sense of confidence when you learn a craft and technique, which you are able to incorporate into daily life when needed.
D.H. ~ Where does your inspiration come from?
Kendra~ Forms, shapes, color, nature, other artists and the desire to create from a challenge I haven't yet set for myself.
D.H. ~ If you could meet one artist alive or in spirit who would it be?
Kendra~ Da Vinci.
D.H. ~ Is being an artist fun?
Kendra~ It's like being a celebrity, but without the media madness. :)
Kendra~ Thank you!
D.H. ~ Thank you Kendra for being this months "celebrity" artist at Dandelion House and for all the wonderful art you make and share with the world. It was our privilage to have this special time in the studio with you!
Contact Kendra for her New 2010 class offerings for young artists.
Eight week sessions starting February 15th. The cost for an eight week session will be $160. This includes materials.
After school multi media art studio; ages 5 to 12
Mondays 1:30 to 3pm
Delve into your imagination as we create creatures, structures, and other masterpieces based on inspirational images and folklore. Students will explore various mediums such as colored pencil, pen and ink, watercolor, and cut paper, along with many recycled materials. Get dressed for mess and be ready to have a fun time.
Portfolio Art ages; 13 to 17
Fridays 4 to 5:30 pm
Teens interested in enhancing their artistic ability to continue after high school will focus on creating a portfolio. Activities will include drawing and painting still life, portraits and other masterpieces. Instruction of how to represent their art professionally will be introduced.
D.H. ~ At what age did you know you were an artist?
Kendra~ I've known I love to create things since I was very little. I always had some kind of kit or crafty items to work with. I thoroughly enjoyed making surprises for my family and friends. When I was 13, I took an art class in school with a teacher who inspired me to really delve into it. I had tried musical instruments prior to this, but I was unsuccessful. Once I picked up a pencil that was it.
D.H. ~ How did you go about choosing an art school?
Kendra~ I wanted an exciting art school that wasn't too far away from my mom, and the rest of my family. Mass College of Art fit the bill in every way, and I took a large risk by only applying to that college. I was very grateful and so excited when I was accepted. I love it still and visit when I can. I tutored a high school senior, helping her prepare her portfolio, and when it came time for her to choose schools, I suggested Mass Art, and not only did she follow through and apply, but is attending there now.
D.H. ~ How many mediums do you currently work in?
Kendra~ Several. I do love to draw with Graphite, colored pencil, and pastel. I adore clay, and love to sculpt and make pottery. I have painted with water color and acrylics, as well. I like to sew, and garden, and create things for my home and yard with other materials.
D.H. ~ What advice would you give to a new artist who is trying to get an opening or work hung in a gallery?
Kendra~ Make a body of work that is consistent and as professional in appearance as possible. Make sure your portfolio is up to date, precise and clean. Gather as many events and shows as you can and a resume always helps. Call ahead and ask what their procedure is, and move forward! Don't give up. With every rejection, there is always that magic acceptance.
D.H.~ What is your favorite thing about teaching art?
Kendra~ The sharing of ideas and techniques I may have surpassed in my process of my own production, therefore revisiting things I may have forgotten. The spark of delight when a student sees how things are working out and coming together, and the inspiration we experience together.
D.H. ~ Do you believe art should be an essential part of a child’s education?
D.H. ~ Why?
Kendra~ Because it opens the mind to the various beauties around us, giving us an alternate view to the world and others. It also gives a strong sense of confidence when you learn a craft and technique, which you are able to incorporate into daily life when needed.
D.H. ~ Where does your inspiration come from?
Kendra~ Forms, shapes, color, nature, other artists and the desire to create from a challenge I haven't yet set for myself.
D.H. ~ If you could meet one artist alive or in spirit who would it be?
Kendra~ Da Vinci.
D.H. ~ Is being an artist fun?
Kendra~ It's like being a celebrity, but without the media madness. :)
Kendra~ Thank you!
D.H. ~ Thank you Kendra for being this months "celebrity" artist at Dandelion House and for all the wonderful art you make and share with the world. It was our privilage to have this special time in the studio with you!
Contact Kendra for her New 2010 class offerings for young artists.
Eight week sessions starting February 15th. The cost for an eight week session will be $160. This includes materials.
After school multi media art studio; ages 5 to 12
Mondays 1:30 to 3pm
Delve into your imagination as we create creatures, structures, and other masterpieces based on inspirational images and folklore. Students will explore various mediums such as colored pencil, pen and ink, watercolor, and cut paper, along with many recycled materials. Get dressed for mess and be ready to have a fun time.
Portfolio Art ages; 13 to 17
Fridays 4 to 5:30 pm
Teens interested in enhancing their artistic ability to continue after high school will focus on creating a portfolio. Activities will include drawing and painting still life, portraits and other masterpieces. Instruction of how to represent their art professionally will be introduced.
To learn more about Kendra D'Angora and see MORE OF HER CREATIONS , visit her website
To learn more about Kendra D'Angora and see MORE OF HER CREATIONS , visit her website
1 comment:
Super awesome!
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