"The woods are full of fairies; the sea is full of fish; the trees are full of golden leaves; let's make an autumn wish."
Dear friends,
Happy first day of Autumn! It's official! My favorite season has arrived. What are your wishes for Autumn? Do you have a favorite tradition, place or ritual you do with the arrival of Fall? Or are you one who loves to pack away your summer clothes in exchange for warm throws and newly organized spaces?
I'm almost ready to settle in but before I do, I've got a few things on my Autumn wish list to complete before I can whole heartily welcome another New England Winter.
- finish kitchen remodel ( replace hideous vinyl flooring, 19 years is long enough! )
- get a small section of picket fencing installed ( Home Depot, here I come )
- refresh our dining room and kitchen with a new coat of paint
- fall cleaning and organizing ( I worship Ikea)
- figure out how to keep Stevie, our rebel chicken in the run ( honey, are you reading today?)
I'm wishing you a wheel barrel full of Autumn goodness!
How bout' you? What are you wishin' for?

I'm wishing for a bountiful fall/winter garden and some cooler temps! It is still in the mid 90s here, whew!
I texted my sister (who lives in Texas) last Wednesday and asked her, "Have you been bitten by the Autumn bug yet?" And her reply was "Yes!" We love Autumn. It's magical. We don't have beautiful fall colors like you lucky Easterners. But when fall is in the air, all well with the world! And as an artist, Autumn is a time for wildly active imaginations to run free in the cool air!
Oh gosh, wishing that our autumn days could have just a few more hours inserted into them. They're wonderful.
Our colors are drab up here because of Irene. How are yours?
Thinking of you and Boz and your fabulous children.
Candy, Hope things cool down for you soon!
Taso, I agree! Autumn was made for an artists imagination!
Sharon, our color will be a bit drab this year thanks to Irene!
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