Welcome to the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop # 79!
Before we get going, I want to apologize for the weird thumbnail issue last week. I got in a hurry and forgot to choose the larger size we are accustomed to seeing and linky tools chose the smallest size by default. When I edited it the images were larger, but blurry, which made our blog hop somewhat of a mystery last week! I hope it wasn't too much of a deterrent and you got out there to see what your fellow farmgirls were up to! What can ya do? Onward and upward as the saying goes!
This idea of ' Farmin' around on Fridays seems to be catchy! There's another blog hop in town where you can go to get even more of your farm fix on Fridays!
She loves her animals and photography! She and her sister Yolanda of Chickens on the Moon blog are hosting Farm Fun Friday together! Go check them out to find out the rules for their hop and click that follow button while you're there!
I'm honored to have these fine farmgirl bloggers Co hosting the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop!
Heidi of My Simple Country Living and Dolly of Hibiscus House.
Now it's your turn to link up for your weekly dose of farmgirl soul food!
Speaking of soul food.... Be sure to check out the Farmgirl Friday Recipe Box... We're up to 149 pins, 393 followers and growing thanks to all of you who enter your delicious recipes to this hop each week!
Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your
farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to
you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts,
home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden,
chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave your entry in the Linky tools space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your
post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
4.) Enter up to three entries per hop!
4.) Enter up to three entries per hop!
Be sure to leave a note if you're new to the hop!
We want to get to know you better! Have a great week and I'll see you on the hop! 
Awesome! Thanks for linking up and sharing with everybody about our new blog hop!
You are most welcome Yolanda! Have fun!
I just love the hop!!!!!!!
Yay! Thank you Blackberry Brambles!
Deborah-- did you change your profile image again?! OR am I just now seeing this one?
I'm only asking...because I don't think I've ever told you this. But Your hair is beautiful. I love your hair.
...:) Pat
ps: I'm off to get my post ready for this hop.
Hi Pat,
I'm giggling as I write...Yes, I just changed it this weekend. My hubby took that image of me while we were out on a fall day with the family...thank you for the hair compliment! You're sweet! I'm kind of stuck with it as it is naturally curly!
I do I love it. It reminds me of my oldest daughter's hair. She was 'tow-headed' all her life. She finally colored her hair when she was about 16 or 17 I forget. She has tried to get her natural, platinum back. She can't it is turning and the red (that runs through my family is starting to take over and make her hair darker).
Anyway...she ALSO HAS NATURALLY curly(very wavy) hair. But she thins it and straightens it.I'd love it if my hair did that...instead it fall flat-- or it just becomes puffy...no curl. I've taken to going with the new 'messy look' I wash my hair and run my fingers through it and don't brush or comb it. Trying to achieve your type of hair. It seems to work somewhat. ...I just RE-read that. I don't mean your hair is messy. LOL... I just mean, they call what I do to mine 'messy'; because I don't brush it after washing. Crazy I know. Why do we women fuss with our hair so much? Anyway. I do brush my hair, but not when I want it to be pretty like yours.
...I'm sure you're not the only one giggling now. As I'm having a chuckle over the thought of this being read by other women, who quite possibly think I'm silly!
oh well. Pat
LOL!!! Oh my gosh Pat... You are silly tonight! :)... I think " messy 'describes my hair perfectly! Sometimes its' a pretty messy look and other times it just looks plain messy! :) The hubs just happened to catch me having a good messy hair day! .. Now, I'm giggling at the thought of more readers seeing our silly exchange over our messy hair! Maybe everyone will join in on this conversation!
Now, about that soft egg of yours... I've never seen one either... 6 years and counting! Oh, I never brush my hair... ever...just a comb through when it's wet, then gel or foam, light blow drying and that's it!
Anyway, thanks for the giggle Pat!
Thanks again for saying something! I love your blog hop so much.
You're welcome Tayet... Thanks for hopping with us!
Thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello dear Deborah, having posted about autumn, I decided to join the blog hop today.;) Have a lovely weekend,
No worries about the mix-up last week! Thanks for all you do! And thank you for sharing the new blog hop...looking forward to checking it out :)
Hi there! I came across your lovely blog while on another blog :) I am now following you and I joined your linkiy party - thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks, Nancy! You too!
Dear Zuzana!
So nice to see you here! Thank you for sharing your fall in Denmark!
Beautiful as always!
You bet Lisa Lynn,
Have fun!
Hi Stephanie and welcome! Thanks for joining this weeks hop and for introducing yourself! We love meeting new ' farmgirls'!
Have a great weekend... I know you'll enjoy the wonderful entries here!
This week I've shared some ideas for using wood pallets. I'm particularly interested in using them for goat fencing! There are some great ideas that I've found on the internet, including a hall rack, a kitchen island, a wall-mounted book shelf, a coffee table, and more. (Creative Wood Pallet Projects, #42). Thank you for hosting and have a great Fall weekend!
Oh, I've fallen in love with pallet projects too Brenda... I've bot a couple brewing! Thanks for sharing yours! Happy Fall weekend to you too!
Thank-You for holding this link-up! I linked up!
-Jane at A Farm Girl's Diary
Thanks so much for hosting!
Thanks Deb for hosting every week and thanks too to Heidi and Dolly! Aren't they just the best?!? :)
Howdy Southern Peach-Girls!
Welcome and thank you for linking up!
Hi Little Owl! I love that... sounds like an Indian name...Thanks for linking up!
Enjoy the hop!
My Pleasure Candy! I love Farmgirl Friday! Yes, Heidi and Dolly ARE the best... WE are lucky to have them aren't we?
Enjoy and thanks for linking up!
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