Home Grown

~ Gardening is Good Medicine

I love to head out with my coffee in the early am and just study the garden...I daydream a little about what I think needs to go where...and finally I make the anticipated trip to my local nursery or to another garden  in our yard to dig something up and move it. I love to read a variety of of Garden books and magazines for inspiration as well as visit the Gardens of fellow bloggers, friends and public gardens. I'm MOST inspired by suburban Gardner's, homesteaders, English Country Gardens, American Cottage Gardens and Seaside Gardens. My garden is a coastal climate near open ocean and the Cape Cod Canal. 

In March of 2012 I planted 500 square feet of cut flowers in our backyard just to see if I could grow enough flowers to sell at our local farmers market. The snapshots below will speak for themselves...





Cottage Cosmos, Bachelor Buttons and California Poppies

"Gardening is my way to connect with my inner farmgirl, soothe my soul, nourish by body, and please my eyes all at the same time! "
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 Find all of  my garden posts posts under the label HOME GROWN.


Bonnie K said...

Nice photos. Your beebalm is wonderful. I really like the sink.

Corinne said...

I LOVE your garden! You have awesome black soil there! Do you get much rainfall?
We have really quite red soil here and struggle with enough rain over summer (we don't have 'town' water - only what we catch in our house tanks and in the dam.

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