Isn't this a neat old vintage post card? I thought if would be perfect for today's Farmgirl Friday!
I thought I'd give you a little update on the Cottage Hen's and the new chicks... and maybe a dude too???
Yep, I think we have a rooster in our new batch of chickens. My husband and I swear we could hear him trying to crow the last two mornings! The new girls are about 11 weeks old and the chicken we suspect to be our Rudy the Rooster is a bit larger, more assertive and trying to crow in the morning...

If it walks like a rooster and talks like a rooster, it's probably a rooster. Not sure what we'll do with him. He's already quite handsome... He's second to the end with a head of black feathers and gold and black on his chest. I think he and the other girls, Penelope and Lucille are wondering why Stevie is causing such a ruckus on the roosting bar! She's the one with her tail feathers pointed the opposite way in the middle! I kind of like his little sound, but hubs says it won't be so little in a few weeks and who knows how assertive he'll become with the ladies once he's a full blown Rooster! Right now there is harmony in the hen house! That's the latest from the Little Red Hen House. I'll keep you posted.
Melissa of Tilly's Nest was here ( in person ) last week to do a Tour De Coop and entered a blog post about her visit in last weeks Farmgirl Friday blog hop! She's making time to meet fellow backyard chicken keeper's and sharing their set ups on her blog. Isn't that a great idea? It was so much fun to meet her and her darling daughter in person. Wouldn't it be fun to do an annual linky party where everyone share's their backyard
chicken's and coops?
Now, it's your turn to link up for your weekly dose of farmgirl soul food!
Here are the rules for the Farmgirl Friday blog hop:
1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, hen house, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave a permalink in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post.
New this week at Dandelion House is my face book badge and a network blog button! Follow me on face book for daily doing's from the garden, cottage, kitchen and tales from the coop!
As always, thanks so much for entering each week and a BIG welcome to new followers and subscribers!
We have two rooster~one is a pretty nice guy that the girls and I like. The other was kicked out of the coop and is named "Naughty Rooster Boy." Hope yours turns out to be nice. I do enjoy the sound of the rooster!
Oh, what a lovely story, so you will be watching a rooster growing up.;)) So funny that he is already trying to crow.;))
Have a lovely weekend dear Deborah,
Oh my stars ~ your pictures are adorable.
Hope you are having a wonderful Summer!
I am going to have to spruce up my chicken coop a bit too!
Thanks for hosting, It has been wet here all week so nothing got done outside other than the every day feed and water.
My friend says roosters make good soup!
Love the vintage postcard! Thanks for hosting dear Farmgirl!
Sorry about that rooster...I think we have one too! been missing my farmgirl blog hop girls. It has been crazy over here at the Boho Farm but it is finally starting to slow down, so I can't wait to join you girls next week!
Oh my goodness, give your little roo a chance. He might turn out to be a great addition to the flock. Plus, you might even think about trying to hatch some chicks on your own! We would have kept Chocolate if he liked my daughter. It sounds weird, but we actually enjoyed his crow. Keep me posted with what happens! Thanks again for all the wonderful love you have sent our way!!
We just lost our only rooster, Einstein, to a predator. ( I'll have to blog about him1) He was doing his job as a rooster, protecting his hens. It is sooo very quiet around here now. I didn't miss his crowing until we didn't hear him anymore. And roosters don't just crow at daybreak hahaha
happy day!
I realize I'm late in commenting. But I had to say how beautiful your chickens are. No kidding!
I would love to have some of my own. I'm not sure how chickens and bears would mix though!
I did babysit my father in-laws once. But that's a whole long story!
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