Has anyone seen Ethel? I sure could have used her last week during my nesting frenzy! I was home alone, ( nice ) and I had about half an hour before I needed to start getting ready for a dinner date with my hubby for our 21st Anniversary. That's when Lucy arrived with a great idea! Naturally, I was all ears. Ya see, I've been rearranging furniture, switching out lampshades, vacuuming up hairballs and I have this antique chair that's been needing some love for oh, I don't know... a hundred years or so...
1920's Victorian Parlor Chair |
This is exactly how I found it eight years ago at the yard sale where I bought it for $35.00( minus the pillow in the seat) I actually sit in this chair if I'm having a private phone call.
Based on today's decorating trend of torn and tortured it doesn't even need any love because this look is all the rage. I'm seeing chairs like this in design magazines and blogs everywhere.

But, I digress... So Lucy comes in and says, " hey, why don't you bring that chair down into the dining room where you can keep your eyes on it and maybe you'll get inspired for how you'd like to recover it. " "Sounds good to me" I say, and off I go to try and bring this chair downstairs all by myself. What was I thinking? Things were going fine until I hit the third stair from the top. My plan was to position it on its side and slide it down the stairs without having to lift it over my head and carry it down. Sounds simple enough. Then one leg got stuck under the banister and the top of the chair got wedged against the wall preventing any movement what so ever. Meanwhile, time's a ticking and I still need to shower and change to be on time for dinner. Not only am I a sweaty mess from trying to wriggle and pry my chair free from the stairway, but I had just come in from mowing the the lawn so I had grass stuck to my legs! There's no way I could climb over ( believe me I tried ) the chair to get to our only bathroom with a shower and my closet so I could get ready.
That's when I realized I was having a LUCY MOMENT! I had to meet my hubby in 45 minutes for a 6:00 dinner reservation! I called our daughter who was walking home from the bus stop and she came running to my rescue. After she scolded me for trying to move the chair by myself she slid through an opening between the chair and the wall to get upstairs so she could fetch me a washcloth, towel , shampoo and my outfit.! Leaving the chair dilemma behind me temporarily I got ready for my date ' camp style ' in our half bath down stairs. Romantic, I know. I don't have a photo to show you of it stuck because I was in a rush remember... But, you can bet I was thinking about it the whole time!
I made it on time and we had a lovely dinner together. We caught up on our day. He told me about the massage he just had and how it really relieved the stiffness in his upper back and then I told him that Lucy Ricardo came to visit...Uh huh. When we got home my hubby had to remove the banister to get the chair UN stuck then he promptly carried it back to the bedroom where it sits today.
Oh well, at least I got the cobwebs vacuumed up underneath it!
Nesting season is in full swing sisters and Lucy Ricardo is on the loose!
If she comes to YOUR house without Ethel, do NOT let her in!
As for the future of this chair... Shall she be a simple beauty wearing an understated textured fabric for a more modern look or should she stay true to her original colors and be an elegant beauty adorned in plush jewel toned velvet?
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