Spring Pickets |
Now I've gone and done it. I just couldn't help myself! It was last spring around this time that Karen Valentine created my
beautiful blog design for me but I was itchin' for something different and I wanted to make it myself! Don't get me wrong, I love my "old " banner but, sometimes a girl needs a change! I used
Picasa ( an online photo storage and editing website ) for creating the collage and adding the frames and text. It was pretty simple and fun!
Did you know if you are a member of the
MaryJane's Farmgirl sisterhood you can earn three
merit badges ( beginner, intermediate and expert ) for blogging? One of the requirements at the beginner level is to read
Blogging for Bliss by Tara Frey. I just finished it and I felt so inspired all over again about the creative joys of blogging!
How often do you change your blog banner? Once a month, a quarter, with the seasons, annually or never?
I love your new banner! :) It looks great. I've been struggling with blog design for a while....I can draw out on paper what I want, but I can't do it on the computer! Hopefully someday my blog will look as nice as yours does!
Happy spring!
Sorry about that comments went haywire lol .
Looks wonderful ! I try to change my banner/header photo once a week for me I like to try to keep it fresh and not have the same photo week after week ! I use my own photos that I take each week . I dont use the blogger posting I post through Windows Live Writer hope it can work with that. I must say I do like the way you have displayed yours! I will check out the site and see what it has to offer I am no computer wiz thats for sure lol ! Thanks for the info . Have a great day !
Hi Country Gal! I always love seeing which image you post each week.. I love them all! I used to do that too, before I had a banner designed for me, but I guess I missed fiddling with my banner more than I knew! Have a great day!
Love the new banner! I get ready for changes soemtimes too! Was thinking about how I wanted to change my banner too, haven't decided which pictures I will use.
Hi Marjo! Well, thanks! I'll admit, I was a bit nervous fiddling around with things, but I was reminded while reading Blogging for Bliss that the happiest bloggers are those who, relax, have fun and stay true to themselves! Keep dabbling and you'll come up with something you love, probably more than once! :)
Thank you Melanie! I guess it's that time of year! I think choosing the photos is half the fun, but hard if you are like most bloggers... WE all have way too many to choose from! That's what took me the longest to do.
Enjoy your day!
I like it, we need a little change every now and again!
I have never really made a banner for my blog. Shame on me. I am afraid if I do I will loose everything trying to attach it. I am sure it is easier than I think. And then I wonder what to put on it. I love your new one. Love it!
We sure do Clint! Thanks!
No shame there Brenda! Everything in good time! Your blog is darling!
Cute! I have enough trouble finding time to blog (working full time) that I don't need a change. I prefer simpler for myself...
I understand that completely Nancy!
Well...I didn't know I could get credit for blogging! Thank you! I was gone for awhile and re-upped my subscription to MJ's sisterhood. I also switched to Picassa and had never done a "banner" before but now I do it 4 times a year, for each season. The first one took some time but then the next time was much faster.
Also...very strange but I've got the Blogging Bliss book in my wishlist at Amazon...great minds really DO think alike! LOL! Thanks so much and love your new fresh look!
I better check out the badges as there must be new ones since I started I was Farmgirl sister #226. Thanks for the update!
Oh wow Sam! You certainly are an " early " sisterhood member! I'm sister # 1199!
You will be amazed at how many new merit badges there are... Gals post new ideas for them on the forum quite often and many are eventually accepted! Thanks so much and glad you found the info helpful! I'll come see your banner now!
*I like your new banner:)
I love the new banner. I noticed it yesterday. Great job Deb. I used to change my header all the time, but I have settled into about once a month or so... It's so much fun learning how to manipulate photos and blog template design.
Every image in the new banner is great. You are so pretty Deb, I especially love your photo. I recently earned my blog merit badges. They are my first completed section. Yippee! BTW- I got chicks today. I hope to get a few Easter Eggers tomorrow. They were all sold out today, but more may be in 2moro. They're too cute. I have to stop myself from holding them and bothering them too much. I just want to cuddle with them.
Thank you Joy! That's my mom's name too!
Thanks so much Heidi! It is fun learning how to do different layouts!
Congratulations on earning your blogging merit badges too Heidi! I saw you completed them on MaryJane's facebook and that's what inspired me to get going on mine too! :) And, like you it is my first set of three! Oh, I can just hear that peep peep peep sound at your house tonight! Hold them every day and enjoy! I know you will!
The new banner looks great! The old one was nice too. But change is good. There are so many photos out there. Why not?
@ 3Beeze Homestead
I thought that was a new banner. I would love to change mine. But honestly I don't know how.
It sure is!I've kept the old one in case I feel like bringing it back but I think I'll enjoy playing with creating new ones for the coming seasons too!
H Michelle!
You know, my blog designer Karen Valentine wrote an eBook for bloggers who use blogger. Check it out!
You commented on my blog about our greenhouse. I couldn't email you(don't know why) We purchased our greenhouse at a farming store called Murdochs. They have stores in Nebraska and Wyoming. You might be able to order one on line. The kit came with the shell and the metal frame and was about $220.00. Hunky hubbie built the wood boxes on the interior. The previous owner left a pile of old bricks and we utilized them for the pathway. We pulled in a favor from a rancher friend of ours who let us take some dirt from his barnyard. I paid him with tomatoes we grew last year. I use our greenhouse as a salsa center. We grow romatoes and peppers in it.
If you need more info, feel free to email me at annapearlsattic@yahoo.com.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I thought it looked different - love your new banner!
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