Painted Lady |
No one was more surprised than I was when the monarch's, painted ladies and swallowtails started swarming our zinnia patch once they were in full bloom! I planted them for the soul purpose of cutting not knowing they would provide an all you can eat buffet for the butterflies this summer. What a joy it is watching them them flit and flutter from stem to stem.
Monarch |
I've managed to capture a few in action this week between the raindrops! They don't seem to mind me ( the BIG shutter- fly ) stocking them for the perfect pose!
Painted Lady |
Sometimes they even cooperate!
Yet another PAINTED LADY |
Usually the butterfly traffic in our yard has slowed way down by this time of year, because the Butterfly Bush and Cone-flower in my perennial garden are well past their peak blooming time, but this year the ZINNIA DINER is open for business for a couple of more weeks I hope!
This butterfly ( name unknown ) is unique. I've only seen it once! Another garden mystery to be solved!
* Thank you Lisa Lynn for helping us find the name of this beauty!
Butterflies and zinnias do go well together. You have wonderful photos to prove it. Here we haven't had may butterflies at all. Too hot? I don't know. I am a bit jealous of your monarch too. It is nearly a perfect photo.
Hi Ann,
They sure do. You think I would have figured that out when I saw butterflies all over the flowers on the cover of the seed packet I planted... It just didn't click! I was to busy studying the planting instructions to make the connection I guess... but they have been a wonderful surprise and I learned something new! Thanks for the note! :)
Deb, this was just lovely. Thanks!.....Raynita
Oh, you bet Raynita! Thanks!
Beautiful photos! I have trouble getting shots of butterflies, so hats off to you!
The last butterfly is some type of fritillary. It looks like a Callippe Fritillary or maybe an Aphrodite. Try googling images of these and see if that is what you saw :) Good luck identifying!
Oh, thank you Lisa Lynn,
I did some googling last night and thought it might be a Fritillary as well but not certain. I'll try the exact names you gave me and see if it's a match! It's strange I've never seen another one EVER!
Thank you!
You were right Lisa! It is in fact a member of the Fritillary family
It's a Great Spangled Fritillary No doubt about it! Mystery solved!
We had a butterfly bush one year. I would like to get one again. They also, attract humming birds.
Beautiful photographs! I found your site when I was googling "Walking Among Flowers" which is the name of something I posted on my blog today. Mine popped up along with some others and yours. I had to come here because your name is the same as mine - Deborah Jean. Anyway, glad I did--beautiful site.
Yes, they sure do Debbie...We've had a few of those this year as well..I have some Bee Balm planted next to my butterfly bush and they love that as well... :)
Well, hello Deborah Jean and welcome! I'll come visit you too!
thanks for stopping by and leaving a note!
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