Ham is one of our favorite holiday meats. Not just any old ham will do. Spiral Cut Honey Ham is simply the best when it comes to flavor, preparation and serving. Not to mention the great meals you can create with the left overs, if you have any that is. Our three favorite brands are Honey Mountain Ham, Trader Joes and Cooks Ham.
Read on for days of simple, tasty Ham dishes sure to make your after holiday cooking a breeze and delicious too!
Day One: Serve your spiral ham warm or cold depending on the type of gathering you are having. If you are having a sit down meal with all the trimming's then cook your ham following the package directions. Just grazing? Simply cut off the already sliced pieces of ham, arrange them on a platter and gussy it up with some pineapple and maraschino cherries!
Day two: Ham and homemade Mac and Cheese with country style veggies and freshly cut pineapple on the side.
Day three: Split Pea Soup served with homemade bread.
Day four: Ham and Cheese omelet ( we like a mix of jack and cheddar cheese ) with home fries, sour dough toast and fruit juice. Fresh strawberries on the side.
Day five: What to do with that ham bone? When I was growing up my mom used to cook a big pot of pinto beans in her pressure cooker with a nice big ham bone for added flavor and plenty of salt and pepper. If you don't feel like cooking your beans from scratch, buy them in the can, ( a low sodium/organic variety ) pop them in the crock pot with the ham bone and let it simmer all day. Serve with honey corn bread and a fresh Shrimp salad for a lazy winters day supper.
Here's my moms Shrimp salad recipe.
Joy's Shrimp Salad
One head iceberg lettuce
1/4 to a 1/2 pound fresh baby cocktail shrimp
Cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup mayonnaise
One Lemon.
salt and pepper to taste
Serve immediately alongside a nice bowl of steaming hot beans.
Salt and pepper to taste!
And there you have it...Ham for Days! What do you do with your left over ham?
I'm off to start a pot of beans!

Hmm. I was just craving bacon!
Girl, you are making me hungry! Love the post!
LOL Same here . We had a huge country honey ham and I am now Hamed out lol just finished it all ! I am not big on turkey so we get the ham every year ! Hope you all have a Happy New Year !
When ham goes on sale I will buy 2 or 3 depending on my freezer space. You can make so many great meals with it. My husband loves ham salad.
I am getting so...hungry just reading your many ideas for ham leftovers! I did turkey. I usually do ham at Easter. but I'm not sure I want to wait now!
Happy New Years!
I love your blog! I found it yhrough the Graceful Little Honeybee blog, since you left a comment there. I DO heartily recommend to your daughter that she try using baking soda and applecider vinegar as opposed to shampoo and conditioner! I spent years trying to get my hair to the consistency I wanted, and I am finally pleased with BS & ACV. I haven't used shampoo/cond. for 4 months!
I hope your daughter joins the group of ladies trying to save their health while saving money! ;)
Please visit my blog! htp://mazzoumemories.blogspot.com
I will soon be posting about using healthy things for hair washing!
These are great ideas! We too, love ham and can be found on our Thanksgiving table and normally our Christmas feast as well, but this year we chose a duck with the turkey instead of a ham. It was a good choice too! Happy New Year!
Let's see, I'm already planning split pea soup and homemade mac & cheese with ham. Your mom's shrimp salad sounds yummy, writing the recipe down right now!!
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