Here is where you get to link up for your favorite blog hop and your weekly dose of farmgirl soul food! Each week your entries are more intriguing than the last! There's always something new and inspiring to get your creative juices flowing inside and out! Did you make it by to see the cool green house Kelsie ( from Our Country Home blog ) and her husband built from reclaimed windows? Amazing and resourceful too! If any of you are learning how to cook " New Meats" (OLD MEATS) like venison, do yourself a favor and visit Kelly's of Bees, Birds, Berries and Blooms blog for a wonderful recipe on Venison Roast. I personally am not a hunter, but I am considering keeping chickens " meaties " for meat. If any of you are I say go for it! Especially you farmgirls out there. Our dear MaryJaneButter's hunts and grew up hunting with her large family. My brother and sister in law hunt every year and this year, guess what I am getting them for Christmas? A Cook Book for cooking Elk and Deer. I visited Amazon to research what was on the market and I had no idea I would have so many choices. Can anyone recommend a good one? If, so leave me a note and have a wonderful week!
Here are the rules for the Farmgirl Friday blog hop!
2). Leave your entry in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
PS. Be sure to come by my MaryJanesFarm Beachfarmgirlblog for this weeks entry " A Coastal Christmas "!

We are not hunters either (yet), or should I say, my dh has not hunted in 20 some years, but hopes to get back to it soon. Looking forward to the recommendations too! Have a great weekend!
Deborah Jean,
You swung by my blog and asked about venison recipes. Since I made moose this weekend, I answered your question with a post. Please swing by. My only recommendation for a cookbook would be one by Jim Zumbo. I don't have one of his books, but have copied some recipes from his hunting show, as he always shows how to cook stuff in the end.
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