Dearest Dandelion House friends,
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Are you feeling HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY about the coming year? I sure hope so! I've never been one for making New Year resolutions, but as the years pile up I do try to tick off a few of my bucket list items every year. Here are just a few of the things I hope to accomplish in 2014.
This is my year to " DO ME" better! I know that's a popular buzz phrase right now and it can sound sort of shallow at first, but it's powerful if you really take it to heart and just go for the purest, funnest and most creative ways to do it! Imagine what the world would be like if we all really dug deep to try and figure our what that means exactly for each one of us. I can imagine more kindness, beauty, peace and personal happiness for everyone. A safer world, a GREENER world and time to explore unknown places inside and out. If we could all just "
Do Me " a little bit better the whole world would smile don't cha think?
So, here are a few of the things I hope to do that will satisfy some of the deep yearnings in my soul and inspire those around me to do the same. Maybe I should break it down in compartments:
FAMILY: Part of
doing me better is taking care of my family...Being a wife to my handsome Yankee is the greatest joy for me every year. It helps to have a sweet husband. That makes it easy. If you don't, well that's another story and that's not easy at all. I guess we've been luck. Going on 27 years together. Not always easy, but like all married folks, we've learned how to navigate through rought waters and rely each others strengths. We've got two budding song writers in the house that are anxious get out there and show the world what they've got. I see a lot of driving in my future getting them to and from open mike night's and other performances. They are much braver than their dear mom... I would NEVER sing in front of a crowd!!! Mainly because I can't sing a lick!
HEALTH AND FITNESS: Our 16 year old daughter informed me that we will be getting a gym membership and eating healthier this year. Her determination is just what this happy, comfy, chubby, homebody ( but still plenty sassy ) mommy, blogger, needs to get me moving this winter! Hey, it was her idea to get chickens and that went well!
CREATIVITY: Santa gave my hubby and I a brand new wide-format photo printer for Christmas! Isn't that exciting? I'm currently setting up Etsy Shops for my husbands photography and mine too! I'll keep you posted for the launch!
What would life be without BIG DREAMS? You know, the kind of dreams that stretch you beyond your limits. The kind that make you scratch your head and wonder. How would I ever be able to do that?
DANDELION HOUSE: Blogging has certainly helped me re-define my career path. Nothing gets to the heart of ones creativity than writing about what you know and love on a regular basis. And, to have friends ( like you ) that follow along with you makes it so much more fun and rewarding. It can get a girl thinking, hey, maybe I'm on to something here! This year I will be working on branding Dandelion House. I dream of being able to offer products such as calenders, journals, cards, fabrics, dishes, ORGANIC LINENS and home goods inspired by VINTAGE WARES and life here on our little suburban homestead. Wish me luck!!! I also want to thank my sponsors who help to keep this blog going! Keep your eyes on
Farmmade in 2014! The online market place for homemade farm goods!
VINTAGE SHOPS: I opened Burlap and Bling ( my brick and mortar vintage shop ) and My Vintage Homestead on
Etsy in 2013 and oh what fun diving into antiquing, thrifting, and creating fun and funky items for my shops has been! I will continue this adventure in the coming year. It really fills the need I have to always be refurbishing or re- imagining things I pick up on my picking travels. I went to the Vintage Bazarr in September and was so inspired by the cleverness of each booth I visited! I love being a part of the vintage movement that is swelling up across the world right now!
WRITING: This is the year I will write a book! I'm researching self-publishing avenue's for a Farmgirls' ( and boys ) Can Cook Book. i envision a cook book filled with various recipes from YOUR homestead kitchens...I know we have our
pinterest board, but wouldn't it be neat to have a HARD COPY cook book with YOURE beautiful photos and delicious recipes? Besides, someone has to let young homemakers in on the secret that it isn't all that difficult or expensive to cook from scratch with wholesome ( and local ) ingredients! I figure it might as well be us!
I'll be asking for submissions from you soon! STAY TUNED!!!
MARYJANESFARM: You would have to drag me away from my writing post at
MaryJanesFarm with a back hoe to get me to quit the farm! Writing my twice monthly blogs and the Girl Genius Feature in her magazine is one of the greatest blessings ( besides meeting all of you ) that blogging has brought to my life. We farmgirl bloggers get new blog headers this year! This one's mine... So MaryJanesFarm...
I love my writing alias
MJF Beach Farmgirl and GIRL GENIUS. They are forever a part of my farmgirl heart. MaryJanes is my middle- age mentor and such and inspiration for natural healthy living and following your own farmgirl heart road right to dreams come true! Just look at her...She's 60 and just the cutest thing!!! She's more than a Savvy business woman too!
Oh, I forgot one more thing:
FUN: Not that all the other stuff isn't FUN, but I'm going on a trail ride this year if I have to steal a horse to do it!!! Will you come visit me in jail? I hope they have WI-fi!!!
Geez, I didn't intend to ramble on at a Sunday's drive pace here, but
now that I've gabbed and gushed my hopes and dreams for the
coming year I hope you'll leave me a note and tell me what your plans
are to " do you " in 2014!