One look at these early spring Forsythia blossoms and we can be certain there's no turning back the weather clock now. That being said, April is a mix of weather along the South Coast of Massachusetts. One day it will be warm and clear and the next we'll be in mist and cooler temps. I feel like a chameleon this time of year. My mood tends to match the weather. If it's warm and sunny, there's no stopping me! Cool and cloudy days make me feel fuzzy headed and unsure of what to tackle next. Today, we are under dark clouds, pouring rain and rumbling skies. The air outside is electrifying, charging the plants with the energy they need to grow! I swear I can see the grass turning greener with each passing hour. While the storm carries on, I'll share some early Spring Garden snippets!

The crocus were covered in a dusting of snow on the first day of spring, but that didn't stop them from making a show stopping appearance of bright purple blossoms a week later. I'm happy to see the Hollyhock's made it along with the Autumn Sedum Joy. The Bird and Butterfly Garden is waking up from it's long winters nap too but no photos this time as there is nothing noteworthy to see just yet.
Garden planters now bare, wait to be filled. The Stone man has been hard at work ( on his knees in the cold ) on our stone wall and patio made from reclaimed granite slab pieces scavenged from stone yard dumpsters ( with permission of course ). Who's idea WAS THIS anyway? He's doing a wonderful job! I can hardly wait for our first evening fire in the council ring and gazing out my kitchen window at
bright red potted Geraniums and Herbs!
He keeps warm by the fire during coffee breaks!
I'm always amazed at the live plants and shrubs inside the box when I order by mail! This Lady Banks rose bush already has some small buds... I hardened it outside in a protected shady area before planting it near the hen house. She'll need a trellis to climb on but for now she's fine and looking very healthy!
I've got a basket full of flower and veggie seeds I ordered from
Park Seed waiting to be sewn outdoors in a couple of weeks when we are out of danger of any frost...
That's it for " Garden Snippets " this time...! What's happening in your early Spring garden?
I'm off to dosado on the
Homestead Barn Hop # 8 and
Michelle Rayburn's Trash to Treasure Friend Friday link up!

My soul needed to see these snippets of Spring! I love Forsythia. Love the stone work being done, how great is that, and recycled stone to boot!
Loving those snippets....I wish the forsythia would stay it's bright vibrant yellow....they are starting to pop here in Ohio. My hyacinths are up...a joy they are to behold, and the fragrance..the lilacs oh the joy of it all, as our senses awaken and reach for the sunlight after a long winters nap...what a pretty pitcher you have the goldens in...
That does it! When I find my new home soon, I WILL plant forsythia, crocus, daffodils, banks roses, sedums, iris, day lillies, etc.!!!!! Among other must-haves are lilacs, butterfly bush, red buds, flowering quince, elderberries, and herbs, herbs and more herbs!!! AHHHHH! I've been mercilessly bitten by the Spring-bug!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and your comment, always so good to hear from you! Hope the weather has cleared up for you! :)
Deborah Jean,
So nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Your blog is absolutely gorgeous, and I LOVE your hen house. I'll be back:) Blessings!
The patio is going to be grand when you have it finished. You will enjoy it so much. Can't wait to see the finished project.
Great photos Debbie. I love the sink. That is such a cute idea :)
Thank you for stopping by my blog last meeting new folks! =)
Beautiful blog you have here! I will be back to visit for sure. =)
Have a beautiful day!
that stone work is a labor of love. incredible!
and... yellow is my absolute favorite! how did you know???
Love love love the stone work and fresh Spring flowers. I linked up for Farm girl Friday. Thanks for hosting!
The stone work looks amazing and your Hollyhocks look so healthy! I plant mine more like annuals, they don't come back. Happy Spring:@)
Ooo! I love the stone project...and the trash to treasure garden decorations. Thanks for linking up for Friend Friday.
BTW, did you recently re-design your blog? I love how it looks. If this isn't new, pardon me for not noticing before!
from Trash to Treasure Decorating
Your flowers look so beautiful! My perennials are coming up, but I won't plant any annuals for almost a month yet. We've got those horrible winds and rain. I just keep reminding myself that the rain helps the pasture grow!
Looks like a wonderful yard project when completed & I love forsythia... & the pitcher, too! =)
What lovely pix and yes, awaiting the new after the cold Winter fills us with joy and anticipation!...:)JP
Those Forsythia are absolutely lovely, and even more so in the pitcher you chose to display them in!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Prairie Farmstead ~ hope to see you there more often.
May God bless you abundantly!
I love the pitcher of forsythia. The golden explosion of forsythia in the gloom is one of my favorite moments of the year- I recently wrote about how I almost named my daughter Forsythia. My hollyhocks that I planted from seed last year look amazing and we are being drenched with rain at the moment but the leaves and grass are getting greener every second. Your blog is lovely!
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