Monday, September 26, 2011

Rebel Chick!

Let me out a here! 

One of our girls has a wild case of wanderlust! She's forever getting out of the run which has 8 feet high chicken wire surrounding it.... None of the other girls could care less about getting out. Just Stevie. Every night for the last month we have to go outside and get her off the top of the coop and put her inside for the night, only to find her outside in the garden rummaging around early the next morning.
Naturally we want her to be safe, so we decided this special girl should have a feather cut! 
No, not the one we all wore in the 70's; the kind that will hopefully keep her cooped up for good!  We've never done it before so we looked around on you tube and found it's really quite simple!
Here, have a look!

Clipping Chicken's Wings. Have you had to do it? I'm sharing this post on this weeks Homestead Barn Hop. Dosado on over and check out some wonderful homesteading blogs! 


Candy C. said...

We have chicken wire over the top of the girls' yard because of hawks and owls so we've never had to clip. Good luck keeping her "down to earth!" ;)

Paula Bellman said...

I've clipped my chickens' wings, the turkey's wings, and now the guinea fowl's wings. It's really simple. It's best if you wait until they have already perched up for the night, then you don't have to chase them and they don't put up much of a fight. This was especially important when we clipped the turkey's wing as she's so big!

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Ah! a chick after my own heart!
I'm hoping that I can perform this little technique when I finally get chickens. We still have our chickenless coop awaiting chickens. Hopefully soon.

...a rebel chick myself, Pat

Unknown said...

Thanks Ladies! We've had to clip another one since this posting! I guess the girls have coop fever! LOL!

Unknown said...

Great blog!
If you interested in modern agriculture and farming, then I will invite you to visit my farming blog.
How to Build a Poultry House
Methods of Modern Farming

Tilly's Nest said...

Hi Deb,
This is a great post! I would love for you to link it up to our chicken "how-to" linky party. I think fellow chickens would love this and love visiting your blog too :)

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