Something borrowed, something blue... No, this isn't a wedding post! I wanted to introduce you to a beautiful Heirloom Morning Glory that I planted this week. I heart morning glories and when I saw this variety at the local nursery I scooped it up in a hurry! I've planted them all along the chicken wire run in hopes of beautiful blossoms come late summer, lasting all the way until the first frost.
Cant you just see them clambering up the fence and spilling over the top of the chicken run? Me too!
This seed packet includes 6 types ranging from the early 1920's - 1960.
They are: Flying Saucer, Grandpa's Ott's, Heavenly Blue, Knowlian's Black, Pearly Gates, and Shiva.
Heavenly Blue ( Boz Scene ) |
Morning Glories can be planted OUTSIDE 1-2 weeks after average last frost. Morning Glories benefit from Sandy well drained soil, and plenty of WATER and perform best in full SUN!
Soak them in water overnight or rub them with sandpaper to soften the hard outer shell.
Grandpa Ott's |
Plant Morning Glories now for beautiful blooms in September. Give them something to climb or cover and you'll be glad you did! Try them on a mailbox, trellis, fence/ rail or as a ground cover next to your favorite perennials!
I just bet some of you are Morning Glory Growers too!
Beautiful . I am waiting for ours to grow more some things are a bit slower this year ! Have a good day !
They sure are! These blossoms are from past years. I'm keeping my finger's crossed that mine will take off! Good luck with yours too!
Yah! Found my way in. I just love morning glories. Plan to have lots on the new property. Coming soon.... Have a great day Deborah. Deb
Hurrah! Hi Deb...look forward to seeing yours too! Enjoy this day!
Hi Deborah Jean,
Your morning glories are gorgeous! I didn't plant any this year since my trellis is full with clematis vines. Can't wait to see how they look over the chicken run. Heavenly Blue is my favorite.
What a great idea! I never thought of growing runners of any kind on my chicken coop!
Hi Donna, Thank you! I'm excited to see how they do over the chicken run too! They are such a beautiful flower and they sort of sneak up on us in September as other blooms begin to fade... Thanks for your note!
Oh, I hope you two give it a try, then let us know how it looks!
Oh those are so pretty. Not the morning glory I was thinking of.
@ 3Beeze Homestead
What were you thinking of Snooks?
One of my favorites...just beautiful
My Mom had morning glories on a trellis on the side of her house. I'm thinking they may be perfect for my new chicken coop or shed. Thanks for reminding me of these lovely flowers.
Heidi has these growing on her wagon. I fell in love with them. I will be trying to grow these this year on my fence.
They sure do look great! And a great seed distributor ;-)
Do you know how much I love Grandpa Ott's? My grandparents had them in their garden, we used to have meals right under the shade of the vines and the Grandpa Ott's were growing up along the posts that were supporting the vines. We call them gramophones :))
Oh, I was hoping to invoke a memory or two from these old fashioned favorites!
Fitting nickname too!
I usually throw out a packet of morning glory seeds every year in my front flower garden. I have always loved them.
Hi Becky, I bet they look great! Thanks for the visit!
They are one of my favorites, no matter how intrusive they are, you just can't help but love them. We planted them for our garden wedding 9 years ago and they are still coming up everywhere in our garden. This year we planted fresh seeds again, just because I miss their happy little faces!
Hi dear DJ,
Well, have to say it–'Heavenly Blue' still sends me out to the stratosphere. I love, love, love them. They climb up the trellis on our seaside porch in Maine and fill my heart with joy.
Love that you'll have morning glories climbing everywhere.
Deborah Jean, I love the "old-fashionness" of the Morning Glory and think they will look beautiful climbing up and trailing along the chicken run. BUT, I do want to caution you....I have heard in the past that Morning Glories are one of the plants that can be toxic to cats and dogs if ingested. Don't know how chickens would fare with them, but you might want to look into it. Would hate for any of your girls to get sick.
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