As we wind down the last weeks of summer our calender is still loose leaving plenty of time for backyard butterfly hunting and visiting with the " Cottage Hens".
This has become a daily ritual since my sweet MIL has been staying with us on and off this summer. It's been a learning experience for both of us. Mostly me... Like most homemakers I could be on my feet 24/7 doing any number of chores, writing lists, reading mail, paying bills, doing laundry, vacuuming, emptying the frig, stocking the pantry, cleaning bathrooms... well, you get the picture. All of those things certainly need doing and they WILL get done... ALL IN GOOD TIME...
My MIL is limited to the things she can do at 90 but she's taking it in stride. She fell and broke her hip in January and has made a terrific recovery, but her eye sight is fair at best and she can be a little wobbly on her feet so she needs me to be nearby while we make our way around the flower beds.
Isn't she the cutest? |
After we inspect the bees, blooms and butterflies we sit in the shade and treat ourselves to a Popsicle while we chat it up with the " girls " ... I cherish these moments, just she and I in the garden together.
The other day while we were in the garden she told me this has been one of the best years of her life! I nearly cried...Me too Mum, me too, I said..
I guess the flowers have done their magic on her too!
We are all busy but, sometimes it's best to let the dust settle and the laundry pile up...
There are sweet moments to be had if you can slow down enough to enjoy them!
Just ask Max!
I hope you too are able to find a moment or two to savor with a cherished loved one during these last few " slow summer days "
It is salve to the soul!

What beautiful flowers! I'm just a tad bit jealous. ;)
How wonderful that your MIL is spending 'one of the best years of her life' with you in the garden. A precious time for you both!
Deborah, this is a beautiful post. Such lovely photos of your MIL and good, good advice. I would give anything to have my mom here to walk in the garden with. I still miss her after 15 years. Love the first photo so much. Worthy of framing for sure. Have a great day and nix to the fridge. Hugs
Wonderful post and photos ! So glad you and your MIL are able to spend time together and with nature so therapeutic ! Have a wonderful day !
LOVE this post Deb! So fabulous. You are so lucky to have your MIL and her for the kids. These memories will live on forever in all of your hearts. Beautiful photos too! Have a a great day!
What a lovely post! Enjoy your time with your MIL, you are right, the other "stuff" will keep! :)
Your mil looks at home in the garden.
I loved reading this post and I especially enjoyed all the beautiful pictures from your garden. Your MIL resembles mine and I am sure she is one of your greatest blessings. It is so nice that you have been gifted with the time to enjoy eachother's company this summer.
Enjoy while you may is such great advise. We just lost our sweet Aunt Tass at age 94 and we are so glad that we got to spend precious time with her just being together. After all time is really all we have and is such a gift.
Deb, this post touched my heart for sure. I am glad you are taking the time to enjoy each other. Making memories and all of us should do that! Lovely post.
Your mother in law is a gem, isn't she and it seems like you are both lucky to have each other! The most amazing thing in life is when you realize you have given love. I too am having a slow summer. Right now: vacationing on my own! Incomparable experience!
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