Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop# 102 and Easter!
Welcome friends to Farmgirl Friday # 102! Happy Easter!
Thanks so much for all of the inspiring posts everyone shared last week! Cream of the crop as always!
This week, Gladys and I are looking for signs of spring and I'm sharing our family Easter traditions over at the
Come on by and say howdy!
Farmgirls love anything to do with homesteading, keeping chicken's, embroidering,
sewing, knitting, spinning, quilting, natural home remedies for health
care and cleaning, horses, goats, cows, organic gardening and cooking,
caring for their loved ones and friends and are community minded.
Re-purposing and UP-cycling are high on their list of " fun things to do too! Our resident "FARM-BOYS ' ( Clint the Redeemed Gardner and Rob of Bepa's Garden )
bring wheelbarrow's full of good organic gardening tips to this hop and
we are honored to have them join in the fun each week!
Your Farmgirl Friday Hostesses~
Heidi of My Simple Country Living and White Wolf Summit Farmgirl Blog
Dolly of Hibiscus House and Dolly is Cooking and me of course!
Now, it's your turn to link up for your weekly dose of farmgirl soul food!
Here are the rules for the Farmgirl/guy Blog Hop!
Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your
farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to
you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts,
home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden,
chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave your entry in the Linky tools space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your
post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
4.) Enter up to three entries per hop!
Be sure to leave a note if you're new to the hop! If you haven't clicked that follow button yet, please join us and be sure to stop by our FACEBOOK page and like us there too! DON'T BE SHY~
As always, thank you for your continued participation and welcome new friends and followers!
Don't forget to grab your FEATURED FARMGIRL BUTTON if you've been featured!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Tasty Tuesday~ STREET TACOS
Welcome to Tasty Tuesday at Dandelion House! Your go to spot for trying something new and healthy each week in your farm kitchen.
" Now that Spring is here, it's also time for changing some old ways, such as leaving behind heavy, wintry, comfort foods." Taso
Do these Street Tacos look delicious or what? This weeks Tasty Tuesday recipe comes from Taso's Off- grid kitchen the Y-Not Homestead in sunny southwest Arizona! Taso shared this recipe for STREET TACOS inspired by her talented sister's blog See: Create: Be Happy on last weeks Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop!
Here's the recipe!
Sauteed Bell Peppers, Onions, Baby Bella Mushrooms
Load warm corn tortillas with sauteed veggies
Top with Cilantro, Lime Juice, and a drizzle of BBQ Sauce
Light and full of satisfying flavor.
If you would like more menu planning ideas, check out her sister's blog!
Taso is also a talented artist and homeschooling mom. Just look at this one of a kind water color she created of farm fresh eggs no doubt produced by her laying hens!
Taso's artwork is for sale on her Etsy Shop!
Dip into The Farmgirl Friday Recipe Box when you're looking for an old fashioned favorite or a home- cooked meal made from scratch with love. You'll find recipes from the best homestead kitchens, inspiration for setting a beautiful table with all the charm of a farmhouse kitchen PLUS tips for organizing your pantry.
* All recipes featured here have been submitted to the ORIGINAL Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop at Deborah Jean's Dandelion House

Friday, March 22, 2013
Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop # 101 and THREE WINNERS!!!
Friday Birthday Bash GIVEAWAY party? With over 95 entries that adds up to A LOT of celebrating! This week Heidi, Dolly and I are announcing the winners of our apron giveaways! Are ya ready?
The winner of my Vintage Apron Giveaway is Bonnie of Bee's, Birds, Berries, and Blooms! Congratulations Bonnie!
Bonnie " Marching On " in her greenhouse despite more snow!!! |
The winner of Dolly's charming handmade apron and three Me Maws knitted wash cloths is Erin of Dancing Aspen Farms Blog.
Farmgirl Sarah of Clearwater Farm Journal won Heidi's beautiful MaryJanesFarm apron giveaway! Oh, how I love those red polka-dots!!!
We thank you all for your entries and welcome everyone to continue sharing each week as Farmgirl Friday continues into what is sure to be an amazing spring filled with new growth and opportunities on your homesteads!
Farmgirls love anything to do with homesteading, keeping chicken's, embroidering,
sewing, knitting, spinning, quilting, natural home remedies for health
care and cleaning, horses, goats, cows, organic gardening and cooking,
caring for their loved ones and friends and are community minded.
Re-purposing and UP-cycling are high on their list of " fun things to do too! Our resident "FARM-BOYS ' ( Clint the Redeemed Gardner and Rob of Bepa's Garden )
bring wheelbarrow's full of good organic gardening tips to this hop and
we are honored to have them join in the fun each week!
Your Farmgirl Friday Hostesses~
Heidi of My Simple Country Living and White Wolf Summit Farmgirl Blog
Dolly of Hibiscus House and Dolly is Cooking and me of course!
Now, it's your turn to link up for your weekly dose of farmgirl soul food!
Here are the rules for the Farmgirl/guy Blog Hop!
Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your
farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to
you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts,
home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden,
chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave your entry in the Linky tools space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your
post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
4.) Enter up to three entries per hop!
Be sure to leave a note if you're new to the hop! If you haven't clicked that follow button yet, please join us and be sure to stop by our FACEBOOK page and like us there too! DON'T BE SHY~
As always, thank you for your continued participation and welcome new friends and followers!
Don't forget to grab your FEATURED FARMGIRL BUTTON if you've been featured!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Tasty Tuesday~ Farm to Table Through the Year
"A culinary and gardening journey through the 12 months of the year with growing tips, first hand growing information, recipes, and photos to inspire you in your own backyard and in your kitchen this year."
More sleet and snow fell to the ground here in New England last night which only makes me crave being outside prepping my gardens all the more. The green house needs repair before I can begin my outdoor seed starting as well. But, for some of you growing season is already in full swing and once the rest of us get going we'll be on the lookout for new recipes to try in our kitchens which is why I just had to share with you this juicy eBook collaboration compiled by Gretchen of The Backyard Farming Connection . Gretchen had an idea to create a book that featured Farm to Table Recipes the Whole Year Through and with the help of some like-minded bloggers this wonderful resource has come to fruition! Just released last week! And, I'm sure you'll recognize many of the contributing authors as they are regulars on the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop!
Angie from Schneider Peeps
Rob from Bepa's Garden
Lisa from Fresh Eggs Daily
Tammy from Our Neck of the Woods
Lisa Lynn from The Self Sufficient HomeAcre
Gretchen from The Backyard Gardening Connection
Katie from Maple Grove
Jennifer from 1840 Farm
Kim from Mothering With Mindfulness
Sheryl from The Wilderness Wife
Christine from These Light Footsteps
Teresa from Radishgirl Thymes Blog
To get your FREE downloadable copy simply visit any of the contributing authors blogs and subscribe by email.
Dip into The Farmgirl Friday Recipe Box when you're looking for an old fashioned favorite or a home- cooked meal made from scratch with love. You'll find recipes from the best homestead kitchens, inspiration for setting a beautiful table with all the charm of a farmhouse kitchen PLUS tips for organizing your pantry.
* All recipes featured here have been submitted to the ORIGINAL Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop at Deborah Jean's Dandelion House

Monday, March 18, 2013
Chalk Paint Table in Barcelona Orange
Howdy friends! Whew what a weekend celebrating our 100th Farmgirl Friday Birthday Bash Giveaway! I finally had to take a break from the computer to get some painting done! The more projects I do with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, the more I fall in love with it. This paint gives you that old world, aged patina with out having to take all the necessary steps in between when using latex paints. No sanding in between, no varnishing or spray sealers necessary.. Just paint, wax, sand paper, and a soft buffing cloth and you're on your way to creating pieces with time worn appeal.
No, this is not the finished table although it does look rather time worn in a sad way doesn't it?
Here's is the before pic of the table I finished yesterday. It was already painted black so I gave it a light sanding only to remove some glue that was on the top of the table. Other wise it was ready to be swathed in Barcelona Orange Chalk Paint. Then, I had some coffee and watched some Annie Sloan workshops on you tube to bone up on waxing techniques. I picked up a few tips there and went back to work!
I won't tell you what my family said this drawer pull looks like. They can be so fresh sometimes! As you an see, I didn't listen to them. I love this beautifully carved ACORN drawer pull! It's an antique probably from an old dresser or buffet made in the late 1800's. I found it in my stash. I think it adds just the right touch of " old " to this otherwise plain Jane table. Oh, and I painted the inside green just for fun!
These close ups show how I distressed this piece after it was waxed and sealed. I gently rubbed off the paint where I wanted to see a hint of the old back paint.
I'm tickled BARCELONA ORANGE with this little piece! She's headed for my booth... wish her well...:) I hope she finds her way to a little cottage, sun room or porch!
Who else is painting with the BOLDER colors of spring and summer right now?
There's no shortage of ASCP tutorials on you tube and if you can find a local workshop in your area all the better! Annie Sloan Chalk Paint is sold by stockists in the UK and in the US.

Thursday, March 14, 2013
Happy 100th FARMGIRL FRIDAY Birthday Bash GIVEAWAY
Ready? 1... 2... 3... Happy 100TH birthday to us, happy 100TH birthday to us, happy 100TH birthday dear Farmgirl Friday participants and hostesses tooooooooooo, happy birthday to US!!!
Welcome friends to the 100th Farmgirl Friday GIVEAWAY Birthday Bash!
Farmgirls love anything to do with homesteading, keeping chicken's, embroidering,
sewing, knitting, spinning, quilting, natural home remedies for health
care and cleaning, horses, goats, cows, organic gardening and cooking,
caring for their loved ones and friends and are community minded.
Re-purposing and UP-cycling are high on their list of " fun things to do too! Our resident "FARM-BOYS ' ( Clint the Redeemed Gardner and Rob of Bepa's Garden )
bring wheelbarrow's full of good organic gardening tips to this hop and
we are honored to have them join in the fun each week!
Your Farmgirl Friday Hostesses~
Heidi of My Simple Country Living and White Wolf Summit Farmgirl Blog
Dolly of Hibiscus House and Dolly is Cooking and me of course!
Let's get right to our giveaway items. What does every farmgirl need on her suburban homestead, city garden scape, or backyard farm yard besides a small patch of dirt? What makes her day go smoother and keeps her cleaner as she goes about her daily rounds?
Why, an APRON of course! Heidi, Dolly and I are giving away one apron each as our way of saying thank you for all of your wonderful posts and your continued participation in our weekly hop!
Each of our aprons comes with a story. Here's mine.
The vintage apron I'm giving away came from the Queen Bee herself, sister # 1 Mary Jane Butters!
Being the generous farmgirl she is she donated a big box of vintage aprons to me to sell in my booth and I kept one very special apron out for this occasion.
This vintage apron is made with a delicate crisp blue and red cotton flower print edged in white rick-rack. It's in perfect wearable condition with two pockets for collecting eggs, or garden gloves. Ready to wear or add to your apron collection!
Next up is Heidi's Apron Giveaway!
"The apron's body is made from a muted sky blue and white floral print with large cabbage roses and tree blossoms on it. A full length apron featuring a lovely contrasting red and white polka dot ruffle around the skirt, ties, and front left pocket. This design/print was the first Maryjane's Farm apron I ever bought. I still have my original one. It's very special to me. It reminds me of my Grandma Pearl. I was so excited to find this apron again that I got two- one for my "stash" and one for the Original Farmgirl Friday blog hop's 100th Birthday Bash Giveaway!!!
Dolly is giving away an apron designed after one her Grandmother Me Maw used to wear. This one is called Daisy and she comes with a set of three Me Maws knitted dish cloths. This is just one of Dolly's quality handmade aprons. Be sure to check out Dolly's Designs Blog for more of her beautiful creations!
Here's what our loyal blog hop participants have to say about the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop!
Bonnie K - I love the blog hop! I have gathered so many ideas and recipes. I wish I had kept better track of the things I have learned from the hop. Most of the blogs I follow are through the hop. I haven't met anyone in person, but it has been fun following people that live pretty close to me. I appreciate that you host the hop. It is a great resource and much more fun than watching tv!
Junebug -The blog hop has turn into my Friday night comfort reading. It allows me to take off into dreamland! I have a statement currently on my chalkboard that states, "Don't Stop Dreaming, Start doing"! I read it every morning as I sit and drink my coffee. I may not be able to have the dream farm but I am turning my little backyard into my mini dream! I have met several gals from blogging and feel so lucky and blessed to call them friends now! As far as new hobbies, it's more renewed my interest in hand work like embroidery. I've always had a garden and my "girls", hens!!!
Deb, I feel so blessed to have found your blog!!! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heidi, Dolly and I wish you the best of luck. To enter each giveaway simply leave a comment on each of our 100th Farmgirl Friday Birthday Bash Posts! SIMPLE!
Yours in farmgirl spirit and a HUGE thank you to all who participate in the Original Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop each week!
Farmgirl Friday,
organic gardening
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
SPRING Green Farmhouse Chair
Can't cha just picture her with a pretty feed sack pillow resting on the back?
I love the detail at the top don't you?
Even though this chair was already well worn, it now has a more charming time worn look and feel! I can see it fitting in to most any decor. It would be great inside as an accent chair for that pop of spring green or outside on a deck or porch. Maybe as one of a mixed set round an old farm table...
Where would you put this little cutie?
I've got a few more projects on the drying table that I'll share soon!
I'm sharing with Tillys' Nest Down Home Blog Hop and Dolly is Cooking Homemaker Hop!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Tasty Tuesday~ Spicy Pepper-jack Quiche
Welcome to Tasty Tuesday at Dandelion House! Your go to spot for trying something new and healthy each week in your farm kitchen.
Springing forward gives homesteaders a LOT to look forward too. The warming of the soil, seed starting, clean hen houses, baby chicks and more FARM FRESH EGGS on hand for baking and cooking. With more eggs in your basket than you know what to do with what could be more perfect than a recipe that calls for EGGS and LOTS of them? Today's Tasty Tuesday recipe comes from the kitchen of fellow farmgirl ( and loyal FARMGIRL FRIDAY participant ) Candy C. of Lazy J Bar C Farm Blog. She's been joining our hop since the very beginning sharing delicious recipes, and farm-life from her corner of the world. Here's what Candy has to say about why QUICHE is one of her favorite pies to make. ( Mine too Candy )!
If I could be a pie, I would want to be a quiche. Making quiche defines my current philosophy towards cooking and baking...use what you have on hand and use as many homegrown or locally grown ingredients as possible. For this basic quiche, I used our farm fresh eggs, some spicy, pepper-jack style cheese made with our goat milk and some of the milk itself. The bacon is local and came from one of the vendors at the Farmer's Market. During the late fall and early winter, I can even get locally grown onions at the Farmer's Market. The beauty of quiche is that pretty much anything goes for the filling, meat or no meat, any type of cheese or even no cheese, and any vegetables you want to include. |
Go see Candy for the full recipe, PLUS Ree's ( Pioneer Woman ) homemade crust recipe!
Nourish your family with food made with the freshest ingredients and a pinch of love every day!
Dip into The Farmgirl Friday Recipe Box when you're looking for an old fashioned favorite or a home- cooked meal made from scratch with love. You'll find recipes from the best homestead kitchens, inspiration for setting a charming and beautiful table for your family or entertaining your best friends, PLUS tips for organizing your homestead kitchen.
* All recipes featured here have been submitted to the ORIGINAL Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop at Deborah Jean's Dandelion House

Saturday, March 9, 2013
Saturday Scenes With Boz
Farm Girl Lexus |
As always, thanks for looking have a beautiful weekend!
Deb and Boz

Friday, March 8, 2013
Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop # 99
How can this be? Where did the last 99 Fridays go? All over the blogishpere that's where!
Heidi, Dolly and I are honored and humbled by how long The Farmgirl Friday Blog hop has
continued to thrive and grow!
You have yourselves to thank for so many
wonderful posts shared over the last 99 weeks! It's you who keep'um coming back for more and we thank you from the bottom of our farmgirl hearts!
We want to show you how much we appreciate you for sharing your talents and know-how so come back next week for a chance
to enter three separate giveaways sure to get your farmgirl hearts all a
Farmgirls love anything to do with homesteading, keeping chicken's, embroidering,
sewing, knitting, spinning, quilting, natural home remedies for health
care and cleaning, horses, goats, cows, organic gardening and cooking,
caring for their loved ones and friends and are community minded.
Re-purposing and UP-cycling are high on their list of " fun things to do too! Our resident "FARM-BOYS ' ( Clint the Redeemed Gardner and Rob of Bepa's Garden )
bring wheelbarrow's full of good organic gardening tips to this hop and
we are honored to have them join in the fun each week!
Your Farmgirl Friday Hostesses~
Heidi of My Simple Country Living and White Wolf Summit Farmgirl Blog
Dolly of Hibiscus House and Dolly is Cooking and me of course!
It's still snowing in some parts ( like here ) and folks are still working on inside projects to pass the time in a fun and frugal way!
Today I'm sharing three thrifty farmhouse decor ideas from last weeks hop!

Just look at this adorable " farm art " the Farm Life Chick from The Chick n' Coop blog created from thrift store finds.
This one- of - a- kind Tea Cozy shared by Crazy Quilter comes all the way from New Zealand. I fell in love with the swirls, flowers and of-course the colors! It matches my kitchen perfectly!
Here are the rules for the Farmgirl/guy Blog Hop!
Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your
farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to
you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts,
home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden,
chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave your entry in the Linky tools space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your
post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
4.) Enter up to three entries per hop!
Be sure to leave a note if you're new to the hop! If you haven't clicked that follow button yet, please join us and be sure to stop by our FACEBOOK page and like us there too! DON'T BE SHY~
As always, thank you for your continued participation and welcome new friends and followers!
Don't forget to grab your FEATURED FARMGIRL BUTTON if you've been featured!

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