As homesteaders we are always looking for ways to cut costs on our summer garden purchases with out sacrificing the beauty and abundance summer brings to all living things. Once the flowers and veggie seeds are planted and thriving I see what's left over to spend on container garden plants for accessorizing our deck and doorstep. Purchasing containers, soil, and plants separately can add up quick and before you know it you've spent 50 dollars on one pot. That just won't do at my house! I was at Savors recently and happened upon one of those plastic tubs for storing a garden hose for $ 4.99! With my $3.00 off coupon I had gotten for donating that day I snatched it up with the idea of filling it with colorful blooms to place on our landing near the front steps. A trip to the nursery a few days later and three pots of glorious annuals ( for 20.00 ) plus a couple of buckets of good dirt I already had and here it is! I just love the bold color combination of the red, purple and yellow, don't you?
Here are 4 more garden bargains from my garden sure to save you a few bucks here and there!
My VINTAGE Sink Garden~ The sink was free and the flowers cost under 20.00!
Vintage Teapot brewing Nasturtiums~
Fall Flowers ( Silk) in a hanging pot I already had on hand. The flowers were 50% off at Michaels Craft Store. I think they came to 16 or 17 dollars total.
What kinds of CREATIVE garden bargains have you been able to take advantage of this summer?
I've got another fun garden bargain coming up if all goes as planned....
Think picket fence dreams for me!!!

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