I can't help but worry about my girls in the dead of winter... This past week we've had below freezing temps every day and yet they carry on as if it's no big deal. When I go out to give them fresh water each morning they cackle and cluck and get me all caught up on the hen house happenings.
We don't keep a heat lamp or a light on in the coop in the winter months. Ameraucanas
are bread for cold winters and hearty they are! It gives me great
comfort knowing that even though I don't baby them through the coldest
part of winter they are thriving and healthy despite the bitter cold
temperatures! I keep the inside of the hen house filled with fresh
shavings so they can still take warm dust baths as the light of the sun
streams in through the large window...
And, of course I give them plenty of kitchen scraps and oyster shells too! I don't spend as much time outside with them during winter so I love our short visits when I'm doing chores.
How are your " girls" holding up this winter?
My "girls" want to know!

Getting ready for your first flock?
Check out these helpful links.
Mine are new layers so we keep a heating lamp on at night. Mine don't mind the cold or snow .But they hate the wind.
Deb I love your girls they are very pretty, healthy and happy. It shows!
I'd kill for some of your temps & snow! Insanely, it's supposed to get up to 73' here in KS--trees are trying to bud and flowers are coming up, all about 2 months early. This is our second very mild and VERY dry winter in a row and things are starting to suffer around here! My chicks, of course, don't mind at all. Still, we've had a few days of bitter cold and, because they weren't laying well, I went ahead and put a lamp out there (with just a reg. bulb--but it does provide some heat) on a timer for late at night and early in the morning. I suppose they don't really need the heat in the really cold temps but I like to do it just the same--makes *me* more comfortable knowing they are, too! Crazily enough, my chickens have never liked snow. Only in the years where we've had LOTS have they actually gotten used to it enough to venture out into it; otherwise, they're afraid of it!
Such beautiful girls! Our chickens are holding up just fine this winter. I always worry about them, but they are always ok! I just watch those with large combs to make sure they aren't getting frostbite. I keep enough ventilation in the coop to keep the humidity down but not let in any drafts or breezes which helps prevent frostbite.
They certainly are hardy..it's been bitter cold where I live in Ohio 7 at nightime, and wind chill makes it negative numbers. Your girls looks beautiful and healthy. I don't have any yard birds YET....it's coming every day closer...There is much I need to learn about keeping them, healthy and alive for area where I live. Combs getting frostbite. oh my...things I've never thought about..I'd better get busy and read up... Any good reading material you can recomend for a novice?
Hi Faith!
Well, there are some great books out these days which you may be able to check out from the Library as well as websites like MyPetchicken.com and Backyardchickens.com. Both have forums where you can ask questions... Look for chickens who can weather cold winters and you'll be on your way to the right yard birds for you... Also, if you have a feed store nearby which you can order your chicks from they usually only bring in breeds that will do well in your climate... Good luck Faith! I know you'll do great with your backyard chickens!
Glad t hear the girls are doing well in the cold ! They are pretty ! All our chickens on the farm did well to when I was younger ! They are remarkably able to take on what ever the weather throws at them aren't they ? Have a good day !
Your girls are adorable. I am glad they can handle the cold so well!
My girls and (and few boys) have had a bad winter so far. The last 2 weeks here have been so so very cold. And I have a lost a few of my older hens.
But today it was sunny and warm out and they enjoyed the day very much.
My girls are doing great this winter. I have a light on a timer so they lay a few eggs during the winter and I do leave it on if it gets in the twenties. Cold for us! My main problem is Oregon rain and wind. Keeping the girls coop dry is very important since they won't stay out of the rain during the day. Crazy girls! So a nice dry place to roost at night is a must!
Ours are doing remarkably well. We've had a mild winter again this year...so I let them out in the yard still during the day. They have places they like to huddle up to keep out of the crisp wind...and they have places they like to sit in the sun too!
They are enjoying strolling around the yard even this time of year.
I've removed the fences from around the gardens and they've helped to dig out some of the bad weeds and bad bugs...so they are working too!
When we did have snow around Christmas... I left them inside the coop, so they could get in their house. They were fine with it. No complaints. :) Pat
My husband covered the henhouse's wire walls with temporary cardboards and plastic for protection against cold wind but made the house a bit dark for the girls. They haven't been out in the garden for a few days now as it's covered in snow...oh...can't help but pity them because they call and cry for you when they hear you out in the garden:( ... yet still faithfully give their produce everyday...Deb, thanks for sharing about your chicks today...know what?? Spring is coming soon, it won't be long... :)
Ours are doing fine, in fact still getting 5-8 eggs each day and we've been down to the very low teens. We don't heat anymore. We used to but the coop is too tall and the heat doesn't do much good. They don't seem to mind the cold. It's not unusual to see them out in the snow digging around to see what's under all that cold stuff.
Our clucks are doing much of the same. It always amazes me too, how resiliant they are in cold. We do not have a warming lamp in our coop either and the clucks do just fine. Even on the nights when the temps dip into the single digits and the days stay in the teens and 20's. Amazing clucks I love them.
@ 3Beeze Homestead
We're fortunate in Texas when the cold comes it doesn't last for long. So far we haven't reached below the 20's which was earlier this month. We've found chickens seems to stay pretty warm when they snuggle up. You have some pretty birds. :) Carole
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