WOW! Welcome to week 50 of The Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop !
Can I just say, how much I look forward to this time we have together each week?
If I were Carol Burnett I'd be pulling on my ear right now! ( Don't tell me I'm the only one old enough to remember her pulling on her ear at the end of each show )
It's such a joy to visit your blogs each week. Even if I don't always comment, rest assured I am reading! I love seeing the supportive, encouraging and talented forum we have built together. Thanks to all of you who " link up " each week rain or shine! We are blessed to have each-other to learn and grow with!
If this is your first time here, I know I speak for all of us when I say WELCOME!
Forsythia buds ready to burst |
Spring has sprung here along the south coast of New England. Things are budding and blooming in the gardens already!
The record highs we've had for the last two days ( today is 77 ) are more than a little intoxicating to this farmgirl at heart! We've worked halfway through our April Garden Chores list already! As I type, Boz is out purchasing the wood for the raised-beds in the Backyard Flower Farm ( wait till you see his idea for incorporating " scrap stone tiles " into the design) mulch is ordered, shed has been cleared and cleaned and tools are at the ready!
The Little Red Hen House is spic and span, the run has been turned over and more "black gold " has been set aside for the new garden beds.
I crawled inside the coop after I swept out all of the shavings and cleaned the windows for the girls!
Chestnut told me she looks forward to this all winter!
I love the smell of fresh pine shavings floating in the air as I lift the lid on the nesting boxes to collect fresh eggs on a warm spring day.
Liza Jane is always first in line for a peak at the outside world. She's such a nosy girl!
The Cottage Hens are in full swing in the egg laying department!
I love the variety of colors our Easter Egg'r chickens lay!
I couldn't help but think of Tasha Tudor surrounded by her many beloved Corgis today as I raked the last of the fall leaves out of the largest gardens.
Put down that rake and let's play ball mom ! |
Max doesn't like me to work when I'm outside. He only has one thing on his mind. I wonder if Tasha's' Corgis followed her around with balls too?
Lady Banks climbing rose |
We've got to grab this glorious weather it while its' here. It's supposed to be cooler with possible rain this weekend. That's okay. It'll be great for the new sprouts that are peaking out of the ground.
Whats new in your farmgirl/boy world this week? Tell us on the hop!
2). Leave your entry in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!

Your corgi is so sweet :) :) My aunt's dog, Rosie, is a Welsh corgi dog...and she's BIG. She probably needs to lose a pound or two...but she's a sweet dog and I love her big, soft ears :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
Hi Heather,
Yes, Corgis can get " big " in a hurry. We keep our guy on a strict diet and he gets plenty of ball time too! We love to sit and pet his ears while we watch TV.! xo Deb
I love Max wish I could pick him up and hug him! You sure do have your chicken house so clean I love it..Mine need that great cleaning too! Really enjoyed this post well I always do enjoy your posts...
Hi Dolly,
I'll give Max a hug for ya! He's such a love-bug! I could only stay on my knees for so long before I had to call it quits on that big window. But, it's better than it was! :)
xo Deb
I love, love love the yard birds, and those beautiful eggs. What a wonderful treat. Thank you for sharing...enjoy your springtime
flowers so pretty...
Hi Faith! So nice to see you here!
Happy Spring to you too!
xo Deb
I am new to this and love your blog! We used to have a Corgi and we have chickens! I love what you have done with your coop. I have 8 "older girls" and 28 month old chicks. I have the girls for eggs and enjoyment, then they just hang out here until their days are done. I have a variety of chicks just for fun. It's been raining here in N. California, but will be spring cleaning the coops soon.
You reminded me I need to clean out my coops. :)
Max is such a cutie!
Spring sure does look like it's sprung where you are! I wish I was through even half of my March chores! You two are amazing that you're already into your April ones!
It got hot so quickly that I lost a whole month. Our temps are in the 80's and that's usually June weather!
Your crocuses look BEAUTIFUL!
I love your spring snapshots! I've been enjoying the beautiful blooms this warm spring has brought on. I also have "easter egger" hens - I love their colors, too! :)
AWESOME photos ! What a cute Corgie ! Have a great day !
For some reason I can't use Mr. Linky this week. So here's my Farm Girl post.
Looks like you have been busy!
Love your purple flowers. I haven't seen any flowers or blooms yet. The grass is greening, there are a few buds and the hubby is ready to farm.
Have a great weekend!
Not sure what is going on. Trying to link and check out the other blogs but the links are not coming up for me and I cannot link up. Same problem on another blog. Bummer.
I am here:
Forgot to say your farmy friends are looking spectacular!
Yup me to cant link up here is my linky hop !
I really enjoy looking at your have a great eye for good shots, and lots of good subjects to take pictures of! :)
Hi- thanks for hosting this great linky and what beautiful images, you have such a good eye! This week I posted SURPRISING BENEFITS ABOUT BEING LEFT HANDED, EASY IRISH SODA BREAD and HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN TOOTHPASTE.
I am looking for wonderful creative bloggers to come share their posts at Seasonal Celebration Sunday over at Natural Mothers Network. And, I really hope that some of you will put Seasonal Celebration on your list linky parties to visit and link to, every Sunday/Monday! Here’s the link:
Rebecca x
Thank you for hosting! :) We just did some cleaning for our chickens too, mulching in their play yard and cleaning house for them- I really know they enjoy it! :) I'm linking to a post on benefit of coconut oil and how to whip it- super easy and handy! :)
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